Community News and Information



When the sign, fence, cement border, and shrubbery were initially planted at the front entrance, the lot it was located on was not developed. Now it encroaches on the residence at the front entrance.

Since previous Boards had discussed refreshing the front entrance, it is a good time to take a look at the entrance. One suggestion was to remove the vinyl fencing since it is broken and discolored, along with the cement border blocks which are sunken into the ground. In addition, it appears that several of the plants need to be moved to sunny areas where they will thrive.

To this end, the Board is looking for volunteers who would be interested in researching the type of plants that grow in shady conditions and helping with a refresh of the front entrance. Once the front entrance is updated, the community will need volunteers interested its upkeep

If you are interested in working on a committee to refresh the front entrance, please email


Access to the lake for all HOA members and residents is permitted at the following locations:

    • The pier and boat ramp off Angle Avenue
    • The grass beach area near the Pavilion (end of Bass Avenue)
    • The gold beach off Turtle Street (this is the only area that should be used for swimming)
    • The blue beach off Fox Drive

All other lots with access to the lake are private property and are considered “No Trespass” areas.

Also, there is only one entrance/exit to Orchid Lake via Bass Avenue from/to New Line Road. Please do not trespass on your neighbor’s property when entering or leaving our community. 


Parking for pick up and drop off children at the front entrance bus stop is only permitted on the left-hand side of Bass Avenue behind the OLE entrance sign when exiting Orchid Lake. This will allow safe ingress and egress of regular traffic.

No parking is permitted on the right-hand side of Bass Avenue when exiting Orchid Lake or in front of the OLE sign. Violators will be fined $50 per occurrence.


Due to the increase in postage, the newsletter will only be distributed via email to residents and lot owners who have provided their email addresses to the OLE Board. If you would like to be included in the electronic mailing, please send your email to Newsletters will no longer be distributed by postal mail.


For all HOA members reference, a member in good standing is defined below:

A.  Members

      1. A member is any individual whose name is listed on the deed of any property located within in OLE.
      2. A member in good standing of the OLE HOA is defined as follows:
        1. Member’s name is listed on the deed of any property owned within the Orchid Lake Estates subdivision;
        2. Member will have paid in full their dues for the current year in accordance with the Bylaws, or have a payment plan approved by the Board for the payment of any outstanding funds due and owing OLE in place; and
        3. Member is not in violation of any OLE Bylaws as determined and notified by the Board.
      1. Members in good standing are permitted full use of all OLE common areas and facilities and permitted to vote on any matters coming before the membership.


It’s never too late to build an Emergency Preparedness Kit to benefit you and your family during severe weather. Please click the link below to access the Virginia Department of Emergency Preparedness’ checklist. The list is downloadable for ease of reference.


Annual Dues for Orchid Lake are billed each year in January/February and must be paid by March 1 of that year. Upon payment of dues, each resident/lot owner receives two membership cards for the year (April 1-March 31). Residents and guests must carry their membership card at all times when using lake premises.

Due are used for the maintenance (mowing, roadwork, snow plowing, beaches, dam, etc.) and upkeep/improvement of the public facilities owned by Orchid Lake Estates, Inc. All residents and lot owners have use of the OLE roads and facilities, so it is important that your dues are paid in a timely manner. This enables the Board to carry out needed maintenance, repairs and improvements. 

Our current due structure is:

      • Rental House w/one Lot – $105.00 (includes lease/purchase-rent/own)
      • All other Houses w/one Lot – $90.00
      • Lot – $47.00 (vacant)

Example:  Owner has one house and 3 lots:  $90.00 + ($47.00 x 2) = $184.00

If you experience difficulty in meeting your obligation and interested in setting up a payment plan to pay your dues, or for more information, please mail: Treasurer OLE, 1 Bass Avenue, Gum Spring, VA  23065


Did you know that as a resident/lot owner at Orchid Lake, you are permitted private use of the Pavilion for small gatherings and parties? To reserve the Pavilion, a deposit of $100 by check must be placed with the Treasurer or Secretary of OLE.

The following are requirements for using the Pavilion for a private event:

      1. The sponsoring OLE member must be an active participant of the group sponsored, a member in good standing and must be present at all times during the activity.
      2. The sponsoring OLE member is responsible for all actions of the group. Guests must comply with OLE Rules and Regulations.
      3. Gatherings larger than 20 people will require special approval from the Board.
      4. Renters must get approval from the member (property owner) to reserve the Pavilion.

Once the event has occurred, the check will be returned/destroyed to the resident/lot owner if the following is done:

      1. The Pavilion is left with all facilities clean and functioning.
      2. All trash from the event has been removed and disposed of by the resident/lot owner.
      3. Should any repairs, cleaning or replacements be required, the $100 deposit will be used to cover the costs of those services.
      4. Any expenses over the $100 deposit will be the sole responsibility of the member who reserved the Pavilion and will be billed accordingly.

If you are interested in reserving the Pavilion for an event, please contact a Board Member to see if your date is available.